Rebecca Robb, PsyD
Vibrant mental health is directly related to proper nourishment of the body, mind and spirit.
Dr. Robb’s investigation of emerging treatment practices has led her to a deeper examination of nutrition. She has found that viewing mental health through the lens of Functional Medicine has expanded her understanding of the many avenues for healing. This path continues to offer a valuable complement to traditional psychotherapy practices, and she continues to expand her understanding through study and collaboration with multi-disciplinary colleagues.
Body, Mind and Spirit
Based on evidence accumulated during 40 years of practice, Dr. Robb maintains that vibrant mental health is directly related to proper nourishment of the body, mind and spirit. She recognizes the reciprocal and dynamic influence of biological, psychological and social forces in illness and health.
More effective treatments
Prior to graduate school, Dr. Robb worked in the community mental health systems in Seattle and Vancouver, Washington, serving individuals suffering from chronic and persistent mental illness. In that environment she became increasingly aware of the limitations of traditional psychiatric pharmaceutical interventions. In search of more effective treatments, she headed to graduate school at 39. Her dissertation explored the efficacy of dietary interventions for children with AD/HD.
Learn more about her psychotherapy practice at Elevate Health.
MA, Psy.D, School of Professional Psychology at Pacific University
Appointments are available 10am – 7 pm, Tuesdays-Thursdays.
2230 NW Pettygrove St #110
Portland OR 97210
(503) 227-0350 tel
(503) 227-0745 fax